Saturday, January 05, 2008


Shikai Name: Shirosuishou/White Crystal//白水晶
Bankai Name: Seeing Eyes of the White Crystal
Ability: Ice and Psychic
Command: "Michi o hirake, Shirosuishou."/"Clear the path, Shirosuishou."//

General description: One of the strongest ice zanpakutou in Soul Society, and also one of the few zanpakutou that are female, Shirosuishou does not seem as scary as Toshirou's Hyorinmaru, nor does it look as beautiful as Rukia's Sode no Shirayuki. Its releases do not show much danger to the opponent, but its fangs lie in its effects, harnessing both the powers of ice and psyche.

Shirosuishou's spirit form is that of a young girl, wrapped in white, with aquamarine eyes and hair and a pale complexion. She is a meek-looking girl, with a soft voice that speaks in a hush. Like other zanpakutous, however, she is proud and commands respect from even her owner.

Shikai form:
Upon being woken, Shirosuishou immediately explodes into thousands of icicles in random directions, striking anything that they hit. Once the initial attack stops, Rikka is left armless, but the whole atmosphere is now her weapon.

Shikai effect:
1. Sting of the Snow - One effect that Shirosuishou possesses in its shikai form is its freezing that acts like a poison being controlled. When it strikes, the struck area is immediately frozen, and the frozen area spreads continuously. At Rikka's will, the spreading either stops, speeds up, or continues after being stopped. The freezing of the wound prevents it from being resealed, hindering its healing process.

Shikai abilities:
1. Fragments of the Glass, Shatter of Oblivion - "Those icicles look like glass fragments, don't they? They are the result of the shattering of glass, the waking of the mind from the oblivious conscious, and now are used to send my enemies into that same oblivion."

2. Shards of the Glass, Protector of Light - "There is light in everyone, and those ice barriers, merely shards of the whole, exist to protect that light."

Bankai form:

Bankai effects:
1. Complete Clairvoyance
2. Telekinesis
3. Breakdown
4. Mind Reading
5. Icy Grip
6. Telepathy
7. Barrier

Bankai abilities:
1. Teleportation

Ichiyo Rikka

Name: Ichiyo Rikka
Age: Looks 21
Soul Slayer/Zanpakutou: White Crystal/Shirosuishou
Division: Tenth Division, formerly Twelfth Division
Position: Tenth Division - Third Seat, formerly Twelfth Division - Third Seat